As event day gets ever closer, much of the hard work is behind you - you’ve lots of training under your belt and you’re in good shape. Now it's time to stay calm and focus on the challenge ahead. The decisions you make in the next few weeks can dictate your race experience!


1. Focus on the date of your race.

Keep your eye on the job ahead and try to keep your schedule as clear as possible to help you stay on track with your training and preparation.

2. Study the details of the event.

It’s always a good idea to study the maps and course breakdown. Based on your own capabilities break down the race into times, for example, ‘I will run the first 5km inside a half hour’, ‘I’ll complete the cycle in 1.5hours’, ‘I’ll get to the halfway marker in 45 minutes’. But keep it realistic! 

Each race is different and will present different challenges: some have tortuous uphills or quad-busting kilometers of downhill running, some will have waves and cold to overcome. No matter the terrain or obstacles, study the course map and profile before event day to ensure you know what you’re facing. If you have a chance to train or even drive the course that’s great, but not always possible. 

3. Visualise your race.

Go through the whole detail of picking up your race pack, getting your gear ready, etc. Picture yourself at the start line and keep telling yourself you can do this. Believing you can is half the battle in race preparation! 

You might be nervous — and that’s okay! Being nervous is just a good reminder that you’re still alive and you’re about to do something important. Don’t sabotage yourself by not believing in what you’re capable of.

4. Get the gear you need.

If you need to buy new gear, then now is the time. Don’t wait until the week before the event! You will need to train in your gear before race day to get used to it. Now is a good time to make a list of all the items you need. Check what mandatory kit is required and ensure you have it. Tick the items off your list as you get them.

5. Stick to your training plan.

Now is not the time to change tack! Believe in your plan. If you are training with friends then this can help reassure you and knock out any doubt and greatly assist with race preparation. Check out the training plans in our Advice Hub as a guide.

6. Don’t ignore niggling injuries.

Go and see the experts for advice. Timely detection of problems can save you a lot of anguish in the future or on the day of the event.

7. Focus on your diet and hydration.

Don't over complicate things for yourself - stick to simple meals, stick to what you know. If you plan to use gels, drinks or energy snacks, try them out now to give yourself time to recover if they don’t suit you! Stay well hydrated.

8. Don't forget about your muscles.

​Use stretching exercises, pilates or yoga to enhance your training. Get plenty of sleep and quality rest to help your muscles recover from your training sessions.

9. Plan how you’ll get there.

Plan your journey times so that you arrive on time and calm for the event. There is nothing worse than being late and getting stressed before you start.

10. Plan your reward

Be it pints with your friends, a massage or a long bath, have a vision in mind as to what you are going to do to celebrate crossing that finish line. You’ll deserve it!
